tech background


SHFT - Farming Container & App

An app and device made with my partners Pleasure Ghotra, and Abdessalam Ait Haqi. This project was created as a final project in John Abbott's Computer Science Technology program. The project consisted of a mobile app complete with authentication and data processing with Azure's IoT Hub. We also created a python package which ran on a reTerminal to control and read from all the hardware used in our miniature farming container.

Demonstrated Skills

  • Python
  • .NET MAUI (C#)
  • Git/GitHub
  • Mobile App Development
  • Azure IoT Hub
App Screenshots
tech background

Pokemon Tower Defense

A game made with my partner Samuel Anderson. Pokemon Tower Defense was originally a game made by SamAndDan games. It was a flash game that is now discontinued. We decided to recreate it for our final game programming project.

Demonstrated Skills

  • JavaScript
  • OOP
  • Git/GitHub
  • Game Development
Pokemon Tower Defense
tech background

Mind Flayer's Atheneum

Made in a group of three (Samuel Anderson, Chase Lipari). Mind Flayer's Atheneum is a Dungeons and Dragons character creation website. I was in charge of the database design, and the spells functionality.

Demonstrated Skills

  • Node.js
  • Git/GitHub
  • JavaScript
  • MySql
  • Docker
  • CI/CD
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Handlebars
Mind Flayer's Atheneum - Dungeons and Dragons website.
tech background

Crime and Punishment Game

Made in a group of five (Eric Duffield, Liam Kopke, Pleasure Ghotra, Micheal Dumas). We created a game following the plot of the murder scene in Crime and Punishment. I led the creation of the game itself, making the movement, ai, interractible objects and scene management.

Demonstrated Skills

  • Unity
  • C#
  • Git/Github
  • OOP
  • Game Development
Crime and Punishment Game
tech background

Pokemon Storage Application

Made with my partner Samuel Anderson. The pokemon storage application is a WPF app in which users can create and store pokemon. This was my first medium to large scale project made with OOP principles.

Demonstrated Skills

  • C#
  • WPF
  • MVVM
  • Git/Github
  • OOP
  • UML Diagrams
Pokemon Storage Application
tech background


A solo project made in my first year of college. The game is quite simple but demonstrates a decent understanding of the Unity Game Engine and C#. My understanding of C# and game development have since advanced.

Demonstrated Skills

  • Unity
  • C#
  • Game Design
tech background

Triangle Worksheet Generator

A solo project made for my cousin. This website allows you to generate high school level trigonometry questions. Most online worksheet generators' triangles aren't proportional to the lengths in the question. This website solves that problem.

Demonstrated Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Triangle Worksheet Generator
tech background

About Me

Hey, I'm Jeffrey!

I'm a Computer Science undergrad student at Concordia University in Montreal. I started getting into programming in grade 9 when I decided to make a video game (admittedly quite a bad one). Since then, my passion for software and technology has only grown and broadened as I've had the opportunity to pursue it through school and work.

Although this website is obviously meant to outline my technical experience, this section will give you a better look at who I am when I'm not just a nerd in front of my computer.

Rock Climbing

Bouldering image

I used to be very into soccer, but that passion was very abruptly replaced by bouldering and rock climbing!


JoffLobster Image

I've always loved helping and teaching my peers. I've found that explaining concepts to others also helps me learn quite a bit. I decided to turn this passion into a YouTube channel! JoffLobster is my youtube channel where I sometimes post programming related tutorials. The channel just a hobby, I post when I want to and when I have time.



I began playing music when I was 16. I started with Piano, and eventually tried Guitar too. Piano has always been my favorite.
Play some music with me by hovering over the instruments!



C# was the first language I learned. I originally used it to work in Unity when I was in high school. Conveniently, the John Abbott program focuses heavily on C# for the first two years, so I've become very comfortable with it.


JavaScript has been a staple of my web development experience. The majority of my projects have been web related, and thus, plenty of my experience has been with JavaScript.


After two years of mainly learning OOP in C#, John Abbott College transitions to Java for their Data Structures course. Using Java in a relatively complex course, as well as for Android development has made me quite comfortable with it.


Python is the main technology I've used at my role at General Electric. I have several years of professional experience with the language. I have used it for database administration alongside Pandas and NumPy, as well as for renewable energy forecasting.


CSS is obviously an important asset for web development. I have used it in all of my web projects, including this website.


HTML is also clearly an essential part of web development. I have years of experience using it in school and for personal projects.


My experience with SQL has taken many forms. I learned it in Microsoft SQL Server, but beyond that, I have used it for WPF applications (SQLite) and web (MySQL).


Numpy has been an essential part of my role at General Electric. I've used it alongside Pandas for my day to day assignments.


Pandas has also been a very important library for my work at General Electric. It is the main data manipulation library I use for my Database Administrator tasks.


I have used Git and GitHub for just about every project I've worked on for the past few years. It is an essential part of my workflow.


Unity was one of the first technologies I learned. It was the main tool I used to learn C#, and I still use it from time to time to experiment with simulations and small games.


Handlebars was used in my Mind Flayer's Atheneum project. I have limited experience with it but I became quite comfortable with it due to the large scale of that project.



2017 - Started Learning Unity

John Rennie High School

2020 - High School Graduation

John Abbott College

2020 - Enrolled at John Abbott College

General Electric

2021 - Started working at General Electric

Graduation Cap

2023 - CEGEP Graduation


2023 - Began University